Spanish language learning is divided into six levels according to the Common European Framework. At the beginners level (A1), the student learns to provide and ask for personal information and interact in simple, everyday language using the present simple or the present continuous.
At this stage, students are supposed to be able to perform better in more complicated dialogues, concerning personal tastes, occupations habits and pastimes. Moreover, they learn to use past tenses correctly and compose simple past stories.
At the B1 level, students are capable of comprehending the most essential parts of an audio text whose content is known, as well as producing oral and written work in the form of texts, as they have developed their vocabulary skills. Finally, they learn to express their opinion and evaluate experiences and situations using the Subjunctive.
At this stage, students are able to deal with more complicated audio and written texts with more complex content as well as performing dialogues relatively easily, to support their arguments and disagree with other speakers on a variety of social issues.
At the C1 level, students can easily work with long texts concerning social, economic, or academic issues, displaying proper use of all grammar structures, cohesion and structured thinking.
At this level, students complete their studies and acquire proficient knowledge of the Spanish language and culture, as they are supposed to be able to perform exceptionally in both oral and written speech. By completing their studies, they are able to follow a teaching career, works as translators or be employed in a working environment where the Spanish language is prevalent.